What happens if the lipids profile is high?

What happens if the lipids profile is high?

Lipids are fatty materials present in the body which have different important functions. Lipids are transported into and out of tissues, and throughout the body, in the form of large complexes called lipoproteins.  Lipids are the most abundant type of organic matter found in living organisms. They include fats and oils, waxes, sterols, fat-soluble vitamins … Read more

6 Ways to Motivate Your Personal Training Clients

6 Ways to Motivate Your Personal Training Clients

Personal training is all about moving people in the right direction. The best personal trainers know how to motivate their clients. They understand their needs and wants and inspire them to do their best. Instead of personal trainers, you can use a personal trainer app for your personal training. These apps provide live, one-on-one training … Read more

How can you detect lung cancer early?

How can you detect lung cancer early?

The Indian Association of Palliative Care (IAPC) has predicted that Bangalore’s cancer burden will rise by over 11% by 2025. The oncology hospital in Bangalore has a high lung cancer burden compared to other cities in India, with an estimated total number of cases at over 21,000 people per year.  This is due largely to … Read more

How does proton therapy work for cancer?

How does proton therapy work for cancer?

Cancer is the deadliest disease of the century. You will be surprised to know that almost 10 million people die annually from cancer. Every sixth death in the world is caused due to cancer. Thanks to the advancements in the medical field and years of research have led to the development of a variety of … Read more

Can Schizophrenia Go Away Without Treatment?

Can Schizophrenia Go Away Without Treatment?

Schizophrenia is a type of mental condition categorised as a mental disorder in which patients experience a series of unpleasant episodes and exhibit threatening behaviours. These could include hallucinations, a distorted sense of reality, extreme paranoia, self-destructive behaviour, and a propensity to cause danger to others. There has been extensive research and experiment over the … Read more

Postpartum Care: Tips For New Moms

Postpartum Care: Tips For New Moms

You just delivered your perfectly healthy baby, and all the knowledge you absorbed reading hundreds of articles, books, and magazines has come in handy. Well, now what? You know all about your baby, their health, the do’s and don’ts, but what about you? What about your health? You must take care of yourself first to … Read more



There it is again, that familiar knot in the pit of your stomach signaling the impending arrival of exams. Although some may argue that stressing out before an exam can help, research strongly disproves this assumption. When stressed, our brains produce more stress hormone cortisol, which can impair our judgment and prevent us from thinking … Read more

What Is a Macchiato, Exactly?

What Is a Macchiato

Lattes, cappuccinos, cortados…Coffee shop menus can be difficult to read without a dictionary (and translator). Take a look at this guide to learn what a macchiato is. There is a lot to choose from on the menu at your local coffee shop, even if it is a Starbucks. The first step to deciding what type … Read more

Ten tips to improve your mental health

tips to improve your mental health

Mental and physical health are equally essential for us. Mental health is a state in which a person can function normally with emotions and behavioral adaptations. Our emotional, psychological and social well-being all connects with our mental stability. When ignored, mental well-being can cause many health problems. After all, it affects our thinking and decision-making … Read more